By MARK CRAIG , Star Tribune

GREEN BAY, WIS. - Three days after the gleeful touchdown at Austin Straubel International Airport, Brett Favre was back on a plane to Hattiesburg, Miss., on Wednesday morning, leaving Green Bay for the last time as a Packer -- and just hours from a late-night trade that sent him to the New York Jets for his 18th NFL season.

The Packers, meanwhile, returned to practice knowing that Favre's days in Geen Bay were over as trade talks with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Jets continued into the night. General Manager Ted Thompson was scheduled to address the media at 11:30 a.m., but that was eventually cancelled as the team wrapped up its second practice at about 9 p.m.

Favre told ESPN before leaving Green Bay that he was eager to get into training camp somewhere.

Packers trade Favre to Jets....


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